Whether you have or job or you are between jobs, it is often hard to stay motivated and on track when things get challenging or boring or frustrating.
So here are my top tips for both scenarios.
Top tips for staying motivated during your job search -
- Keep it real. Apply for advertised positions. You will get frustrated very quickly if you are just cold calling studios. Have realistic salary expectations. Set goals for what studios you want to work at and what direction you see your career going. Be honest in your application and during the interview process.
- Create a balance. Sitting on the couch applying for jobs all day is boring, exhausting and often counter-productive. Allocate an amount of time for job searching and then go to the gym, do housework, go shopping, visit your mum.
- Be creative and reward yourself. Get the creative juices flowing and do something you love, drawing, painting, reading, rock climbing. Whatever it is, it will make this in-between time much more pleasant because as soon as you get a job again you are going to be longing for that time off, so make the most of it.
- Update yourself. It is easy to get dis-heartened during the job search process when you are applying for jobs and hearing nothing back. This could be a clue that you could do something a bit better. Take a look at your resume, application email, cover letter, LinkedIn page and reel. Could something use an update? Or could you try a different application approach?
- Stay positive. It is a competitive industry but don't lose all faith in yourself if you don't get hired after 2 weeks or even 2 months of searching. Keep your skills and yourself current and don't stop learning, creating and experiencing things that interest you.
Top tips for staying motivated at work -
- Do your work and do it well. This may be obvious but you'd be surprised how many people don't do everything that they should be doing or take the lazy route. If you focus on the task and put all your energy into it you might learn something new or impress your boss or your co-worker. You'll also feel better about yourself for doing a great job.
- Eat well. Eat a good breakfast and lunch. Skipping breakfast and having a cheeseburger for lunch has a huge impact on your energy levels which will effect your focus and motivation to work.
- Enjoy yourself. Work can be exhausting, frustrating, slow, boring, whatever but it doesn't mean you have to be miserable. If things are frustrating, talk to your co-workers about it but don't let it turn into a bitching session, you are only at work for 8 hours of the day so what is everyone doing in their home time. Get to know people outside of work and enjoy your co-workers at work. You are not a miserable, negative person at home so let people see your fun side. Laughter and a positive attitude is infectious so spread it around the office.
- Set goals. If you really are unhappy at work, set some goals and think of some other options. Can you take time off or apply for a different job? Having goals and a direction can lift your spirits and change your attitude.