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Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Get your shit together!

It’s been a reeeeally long time between posts with no other excuse other than I’ve been busy settling into yet another new city but this one just happens to be my ‘I’m going to live here one day’ dream city of San Francisco. And yes, I’ll brag about the perfect weather and the fact I can wear boots and a leather jacket every day and that I have Pacific Ocean views from my apartment and that I’m spoiled with the thousands of dining and outdoor activity options to choose from and that I work with an amazing team of people and am excited to go to work every day... but that's just an excuse and today was the day I chose to get my blogging shit together and write something.

And I write because it's one of my creative outlets that I sometimes neglect and when I don't write I get sad and angry that I'm not writing anything. I'm also writing because its a long time dream of mine to work in editing and publishing and I'm not going to get very far if I have nothing to show which leads me to the topic of my rant today.

Everybody has a job, hobby, project that they daydream about working on and it possibly becoming successful. You see it all the time, especially these days with people coming up with apps and business ideas that are so simple and smart and loaded with cash that you think, 'I could come up with something like that!'. So why don't we? Because we're lazy and lack the driving passion required to see an idea through to the end.

I can't be a writer if I don't write and I have to make the time for it. The excuse that I'm tired or doing laundry isn't good enough. And you see it every day at work or in your circle of friends, the people that say they want to do something and go for it and the big talkers that do nothing. 

Kick-starting an idea into motion is a risk. But one that for the most part, is probably worth it. Thinking positive and taking a risk is what pushes you through life and makes you successful. I wouldn't be where I am today if I hadn't put all negative thoughts aside and taken a leap of faith but I'm still not satisfied and I don't want to just become comfortable. I strive to push myself and I treat myself to the pleasure of writing in the hopes that it might lead to an opportunity down the road.

You can't be a songwriter if you don't feel emotions and write down your thoughts. You cant be an actor if you don't get on a stage. You cant be a painter if you don't pick up a paintbrush and try something that at first might just look like an oil-spill in the Pacific.

I'm fortunate enough to have a very supportive and driven husband who inspires me to indulge in my dreams and goals and a great family who celebrates our creativity and successes. 

So the message to this post is to stop whining, get a notebook for your back pocket and write down any idea; big or small and see where it might lead. Indulge in your hobbies because you could probably turn it into a successful idea if you get your shit together.