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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Turn a negative situation into a personal advantage.

Everyday situations have positive or negative outcomes. You get a compliment or a promotion or you get laid off or have an argument. The point is with the positive also comes the negative but being the optimistic person I am, I like to think that from every negative situation I encounter there is something I can learn.

Negative experiences are normally happening for a reason whether they are big or small situations, whether you were the cause or not. So try to delve a little deeper and figure out why it's happening, what you can learn, how you could resolve the situation and how you can stop it from happening again.  

Here is a great article, '7 ways to get past tough situations quickly'. It's more than just how to deal with a difficult situation but how you can learn from it. This site, Tiny Buddha is all about simple wisdom for complex lives, you can search any key word and they have a lot of interesting reads. I have it bookmarked and it's great for a burst of positive wisdom.

Dealing with a negative situation properly will hopefully provide you with the wisdom to stay out of similar situations in the future. So when you find yourself in a sticky spot take the time to analyze it and you'll be a wealth of knowledge for the future.