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Thursday, April 4, 2013

You're getting paid how much!!!

The subject of salary is a tricky one and it is a common topic amongst artists. Salaries go up and down every year, every month or whenever and it takes some research to figure out whether your salary is too high, too low or spot on.

Salaries differ from Country to Country and even between States and Cities. Why? Because economies differ, the costs of living are higher or lower and company budgets fluctuate.

Visual effects and animation is a global industry and it's competitive. So salaries must be spot on in order to compete.

I've been involved in too many conversations amongst artists that go a little like this, 'I'm only getting paid $120,000 at this place, But I heard *insert studio name* is offering $150,000 so I'm applying there'. It is infuriating to hear the ungratefulness of ones salary not to mention how easily a studio can be dismissed due to what they are offering.  

Artists often think they have it bad. But when you're getting paid the big bucks and you are employed in a constantly evolving, global industry you need to expect and accept change. 

But we're not here to discuss that, we're here to talk about salaries.

Most studios have their own salary guide. Your salary will depend on your skill level and discipline. A great way to allocate the appropriate salary to the artist and to maintain salary consistency is to develop a skill level system. A guide from a junior (level 1) artist through to a more senior (level 3 or 4) artist. You can have a salary allocated to each level of artist. This way salaries are balanced across the company.

You will need to develop salaries based on your own budgets and province/state averages but you also need to listen to your applying artists. What are the artists quoting you? This will give you a great insight into what they are expecting, their skill level and what other studios are paying.

Here are some great VFX specific resources for checking out average salaries; 

This is a cool app if you have a Google account. 

I am in the process of developing a Global VFX Salary Guide that will provide averages for studios in cities all over the world. This is not to reveal anything but averages and to provide more exposure on the topic. The guide will also include helpful salary tips and information. 

I will share my progress with you and please feel free to let me know if there is anything you would like to see in a Global VFX Salary Guide.